Larry W. Green
Larry W. Green is an AV® Rated* attorney (the highest rating a lawyer can achieve under a national peer-review system).
Mr. Green holds a B.S. degree from East Texas State College (1964) and Juris Doctor Diploma from Baylor University School of Law (1967). He is a member of Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity.
He is a member of the Hunt County Bar Association, having served as president 1973-1974. He is also a member of the State Bar of Texas, Texas Association of Bank Counsel and the Independent Banking Association of Texas.
He is a past president of the United Way of Hunt County and the Greenville Salvation Army. He has served on the Greenville Independent School District Board of Trustees and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the local YMCA.
Mr. Green's areas of practice include Real Estate, Financial Institutions, Banking Law, Estate Planning and Probate.